
Lucy Zimmerman + Sarah Dunham

February 10 – February 28

Lucy Zimmerman graduated from Wake Forest University in 2009 where she majored in Art History and minored in Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise. She was a member of the 2008-2009 Student Union Art Acquisition Committee. At WFU she completed her honors thesis on arte povera artists Jannis Kounellis and Mario Merz. Currently, she is finishing her thesis for her MA in the Humanities at the University of Chicago on Piero Manzoni’s Achromes and their relationship to the “economic miracle.” From 2009 – 2013, she worked as Curatorial Research Assistant at the Cleveland Museum of Art. She began working with the Curator of Modern Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art in 2013 on traveling exhibitions, including Van Gogh Repetitions and Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse, in addition to permanent collection research. Lucy now works as a Curatorial Assistant for The Wexner Center for the Arts at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.  Sarah Dunham is a Designer at MTWTF, a communication design firm that frequently collaborates on architectural projects. At Wake Forest, Sarah studied Studio Art with a minor in Art History, which led her to study architecture at California College of the Arts in San Francisco. After graduating with an M. Arch, she first joined the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in New York – where she worked on research projects, lectures, business development proposals, and competition books – and then WORK Architecture Company – where she worked on public relations projects and research for the office’s pending monograph. At MTWTF, Sarah is working on the forthcoming monograph for SCAPE Landscape Architecture and a new identity for Astor Place in New York City. 
About 5&Under
The 5&Under program invites recent Wake Forest Art Department alumni who are 5 years out – or less – to exhibit their work and speak with current students about their transition after graduation and developing a career in the arts. In an effort to connect students with alumni in art-related fields, we hope that this program offers our alumni unique opportunities to exhibit their work and gives students perspective into life after graduation from young and upcoming alumni connections.


Monday, February 23 6:30-8:00 PM Public Artist Lecture           Monday, February 23, 5 – 6 PM     Scales Room 9 Lucy Zimmerman:                         Full Bio and Resume                          Sarah Dunham:                             Full Resume and Bio

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