Covid 20/20

Covid 20/20
Introduction to Digital Photography Class Exhibition, Prof. John Pickel
NOVEMBER 12, 2020 – FEBRUARY 10, 2021
As many have said, we live in a strange time. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic changed our lives in innumerable ways. The need to socially distance and wearing protective masks are evidence of some of the most obvious changes we have endured for months. Many businesses have been forced to close, causing wide-spread unemployment. Many colleges and universities have moved to all online courses. Face to face classes must follow strict protocols to lessen the chances of being infected. Less obvious are the stressors these hardships cause. Social isolation is felt keenly by many. Fear of infection and a general sense of unease are other symptoms of the times.
How do artists respond to these times? How might photographs elucidate the less obvious impact of the pandemic? Are there positive aspects of the situation? How might photography be used to help us better understand our condition through visual poetics?
Please note that due to WFU COVID policies, only WFU students, faculty and staff will be able to access the campus this spring.