Crossing Thresholds

Crossing Thresholds
Works from Dr. Justin Cook’s JOU 380 course
stArt.dt (Wake Downtown)
This exhibition explores Wake Forest University student life at the intersection of campus and community, through a collaboration between Wake Forest University and the Pulitzer Center in Spring 2024. Thirteen students embarked on a transformative journey through a for-credit photojournalism workshop led by grantee Justin Cook. Over five seminar sessions across four weeks, these students dove into the art of storytelling through the lens, resulting in a diverse collection of photo essays. Recognized as a model program by the Pulitzer Center, this exhibit highlights the power of student engagement and community connection through photojournalism. The theme “Crossing Threshold” divides the exhibit into two distinct yet connected parts: the first focusing on student experiences within the local community and the second highlighting their engagement on campus. “Crossing Thresholds” evokes the idea of students moving between different spaces, navigating the boundaries between campus life and the Winston-Salem community. The exhibit aims to capture the nuanced experiences of students as they navigate the dynamic intersection of campus and community in the transient period they spend in Winston-Salem. It highlights the importance of bridging these two worlds and the unique perspectives gained from engaging with both.
This exhibition was conceived by Laney Nissler (WFU ‘24), who participated in JOU 380, as part of ART 259: History of Photography taught by Prof. Morna O’Neill. This exhibition was adapted by Maya Whitaker and O’Neill with the goal of presenting the journalistic experience in the context of the art gallery. Laney’s original selection included photographs of individuals who asked not to be identified, and we have attempted to protect their privacy. The intense course schedule also meant that students were better equipped to explore life on campus rather than in the Winston-Salem community. We hope that the exhibition will generate conversation about the thresholds that connect–and divide–Wake and Winston. A point of entry or a beginning, a threshold can also be an invitation to engage.
The body of work consists of photographs taken in the Spring of 2024. The artists represented are: Dallas Agnew, Jimena Elmufdi, Evan Harris, Mason Horne, Laney Nissler, Julian Silverman, Cooper Sullivan, Claudia Vasbinder, Una Wilson, Yizhi Zhang, and Hope Zhu.