Works from Professor Pickel’s Online Street Photography Course (Summer ’23)

Works from Professor Pickel’s Online Street Photography Course (Summer ’23)
stArt.dt (Wake Downtown)
The works in this exhibition are a selection from each student in the synchronous online course “Art 237: Street Photography” taught by Professor John Pickel in the Summer of 2023. The course description reads:
“Students examine the creative, social, and critical aspects of contemporary, fine art, photography. Emphasis will be placed on the genre of Street Photography with web based final portfolios.”
The course modality allowed students to shoot in a variety of locations, from D.C. and New York to Florida and Spain.
The following students are represented:
Sabrina Bakalis
Tsing Liu
Helen Onufer
Felipe Perez
Ean Scanameo
Tuesday, December 5th 5-7pm at Wake Downtown